Munich's city zone has been designated as a low emission zone, which is marked with traffic signs and additional signs. All streets located inside the "Mittlerer Ring" are considered to be in the low emission zone, for which a sticker is required. The "Mittlerer Ring" itself is not in the low emission zone.
The Fairground Munich is outside the low emission zone.
But if you want to drive into or through the city centre of Munich, please note:
The regulation covers all automobiles, buses, motor homes and trucks from within Germany as well as from foreign countries.
Vehicles are categorised into emissions groups according to their particulate emissions and they receive a sticker in the colour marking the respective emissions group: Only vehicles with a green sticker are allowed to drive into the low emission zone. Vehicles with a red and yellow sticker are not allowed to drive into the centre of Munich, otherwise a fine of 80.00 € will be imposed.
The emissions sticker can be ordered directly from the German TÜV.
Download low emission zone map